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Canadian Hake

Merluccius Hubbsi / Merluccius Productus
Presentation: Fillet/portion, skin-on/off, PBI/PBO IQF/Interleaved/block, Plain/Light, Salted/Dry Salted
Packaging: Retailer pack or bulk
Season: Canadian Hake: Feb-Apr / Sep-Nov
Glazing: 0-30%
Additives: Chemical-free or according to EU standards
Size: 2-4oz, 4-6oz, 6-8oz, 8oz up

Canadian Hake

There are more than a dozen species of hake in the world, and Canadian Hake is the most common one. Canadian hake is a slim fish with large eyes. Canadian hake is a delicate, white-fleshed, and mild-tasting fish. It has a taste similar to Atlantic COD, except that the flesh is softer and the flake smaller. It contains more oil than COD and Pollock.

Canadian Hake is really popular in the USA, as well as the Middle East and Asian countries. We are mostly selling it in the USA, Russia, Spain, Poland, and Chile.

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