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Illex Squid

Illex Argentinus
Presentation: Whole Round/clean tube/rings/cubes Tube&Tentacle(T&T)/tentacle/Strips/wings IQF/Interleaved/block, Raw/Blanched
Packaging: Retailer pack or bulk
Season: Feb-Apr
Glazing: Ring: 0-50%, Others: 0-30%
Additives: Chemical-free or according to EU standards
Size: Tube: U5, U7, U10, 10/15, 15/20, 15-18cm 18-22cm, 22-26cm, 26cm up Ring: dia 2/5cm, 3/6cm, 4/8cm T&T: 3/5 inch, 5/8 inch

Illex Squid

Ocean Treasure is the leading exporter and supplier of Illex squid in China. Illex Squid is a high-value product. As an exporter and supplier from China, Ocean Treasure can export to many countries. Illex squid catch is located in the Argentina sea area. The season is different from Todarodes, which is Feb. to Apr. Specifications for squid products can be Dirty tubes, Clean tubes, rings, Tube & Tentacle, wings, strips, sticks.
Size for tube: U5, U7, U10, U10-20. Size for Rings: mainly 3-6cm. The illex clean tubes and ring color a little bit yellow than todarodes, but they have the same taste.
Market: EU market, South East Asia, North Africa, etc.

Ocean Treasure, your replicable Illex squid exporter from china

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